Happy Valentines Day!

0 comments Monday, February 8, 2010
Yes, we at Deliciouz do believe that beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder! However, it wouldn’t hurt to have help from some external sources just to make your day go a little better!!!

Here are several helpful and practical tips on making that venture out into the wild world of dating so much easier!

1. Appearance
Be yourself! As much as we recommend dress to impress, there must be some limit as to how far we would go on that special date.

The key point here is to be comfortable, dress for the occasion and never outdress your date! (extra tip: always compliment how lovely your date looks as well!)

2. Location
Be creative!

Try to think outside the box!

The place need not be fancy or expensive. It can be a stroll in the park, a day out at the vines or even Kat surfing at South Perth.

For first time dates, we do recommend some sort of activity to help break the ice. An activity might even help get you out of a tight spot when you run out of conversation topics.

3. Romantic Gesture
Say what? We are not talking about some act of declaration to announce your undying love. That could seriously scare her off!!!

Display small simple gestures to show you care. Like opening the door for your date, helping her carry her grocery bags or even serving her food first before yourself. Simple acts go a long way! Trust us, she will take notice of all of the above!!!

And if you were thinking about going on a picnic just like our video below, take time to look through our instructions and recipes in the video!

Wishing you all a very lovely Valentines Day, whether it be spending it with a special someone or just with friends, we hope you have a lovely day and also Chinese New Year!

Happy Valentines Day and Happy New Year!!! :)

~ The Team @ Deliciouz ~